Course: MUS 286A Guitar Class
Time: Tuesday 7:00pm
Room: AR 331
Instructor: Matthias Stegmann
Phone: 7750 or 533-1951 (evening hours)

I. Course Description:
It is the goal of the course to provide a solid platform for a basic study of the classical guitar in specific, and other guitar styles in general. In order to achieve this goal special attention will be paid to the following aspects of classical guitar playing:
1. Proper sitting position
2. Good left and right hand positioning
3. Reading of musical notation both traditional note- and chord symbols
4. Knowledge of recordings of classical guitar music by various artists
5. Enhancement of the value of one's own leisure time through making music, either alone or with other people

II. Equipment Necessary:
1. Classical or Folk guitar preferably with nylon strings
2. Adjustable footstool
3. Ring binder for handouts
4. A music stand will be provided for the class by the teacher; however the purchase of a music stand is highly recommended for reasons of good posture in home practice.

III. Literature necessary:
Course package will be provided by the instructor

IV. Assignments:
1. Daily private practice (minimum of 20-30 minutes recommended)
2. Listening to recordings of classical guitar music (located in the listening lab of
the music department) with specific assignments to be given by the instructor.

V. Final Exams:
1. Midterm: Individual session with instructor
2. Final: Individual session with instructor

VI. Attendance:
Regular attendance is crucial for the success of this course. I will grant two unexcused absences per semester. Every additional absence will result in a lowering of the grade by one letter grade. Be sure to be in the classroom on time if not five minutes earlier since for reasons of saving time I will tune the instruments. I will not tolerate latecomers! Musical performance classes tend to be a very delicate matter; there will be people of rather different musical backgrounds, who might be rather anxious when performing in class. A latecomer, aside from disrupting the smooth flow of the class, is likely to totally throw the concept and concentration of a sensitive player.



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